What are the different car insurance coverage?

If you are looking to purchase car insurance coverage, it is easy to feel overwhelmed by the different types of policies on offer. To make the process of choosing the right insurance easier, it is essential to get to grips with the pros and cons of the various types of policies, as this will ensure you purchase the right policy for your needs.hands protecting car

Third party

Third party car insurance coverage is the minimum level of coverage required by law, but it only provides you with basic cover. The insurer will simply agree to pay for any damage caused to someone else’s property, or provide compensation for any physical and/or psychological injuries sustained, in an accident judged to be your fault. However, the insurer will not pay for the cost of repairs to your own vehicle.

Third party fire and theft

Third party fire and theft insurance coverage offers a greater level of protection than that provided by third party only coverage. The insurer will offer you the same level of coverage as that of a third party only policy, but will also protect you against the cost of repairing or replacing your vehicle in the event that it is damaged or stolen.

Fully comprehensive

Fully comprehensive insurance coverage provides you with the greatest level of protection. The insurer will cover you for damage to your own vehicle and any damage suffered by others from a variety of causes, including accidents, fires and thefts.If you are looking to purchase an insurance policy, do not assume that all policies are the same. Take the time to read through the terms and conditions to ensure your chosen cover is appropriate. Some policies offer additional features, such as legal expenses cover, as add-ons, so you will need to determine whether you need these before you part with your cash.